Hello everyone,
I would like to address something quite personal to me,
This word is quite scary for me, i hate to think about them but i'm writing to help people or to make people aware of the subject or help someone going through them support (support is one of the best things for them trust me!)
What is a Panic Attack?
A Panic Attack is where you get a sudden feeling of anxiety and a sudden urge to escape through the nearest exit sign! You feel like everyone is staring at you thinking that you're a freak this makes you feel as if the room around you is shrinking down and as if there is nowhere to run. You feel trapped in a box and you cannot escape!! Without you even knowing a gush of adrenaline is being pumped round your body preparing yourself for 'Fight or Flight' this is something that your body prepares for in a life or death situation or when it thinks your in any sort of danger even though we're not. This can occur at any time even just sat at a desk doing work anything can trigger a Panic Attack. To put it in a easier way of understanding anyone who suffers from Panic Attacks we are the cars in the car park that goes of to a little gust of wind unlike the other cars that will go off to someone smashing their window! We have a "SENSITIVE ALARM".
What happens during a Panic Attack?
A burst of adrenaline is released causing your heart to beat faster also causing us to breath faster sometimes causing us to hyperventilate. Our muscles start to tense, blood is diverted to our muscles causing us to feel light headed and turn pale. We will then start to shake and sweat (my hands always tend to get really sweaty and i tend to fiddle when I feel a Panic Attack occurring.) When the adrenaline enters your body it causes emotional and physical sensations that can/will effect you during a Panic Attack.
These are:
very rapid breathing.
very rapid heartbeat.
pains in your chest and back.
feeling faint or dizziness.
hot or cold flushes.
ringing in your ears.
thumping in your head.
tingling or numbness in your legs and arms.
feeling sick.
wanting to go to the toilet.
feelings of absolute terror.
feeling trapped.
feeling claustrophobic
being extremely emotional/uncontrollable crying/anger.
feeling depressed.
Panic Attacks occur within five to thirty minutes. Some people have reported of having a Panic Attacks for over an hour but doctors say that is more than 2 consecutively. Personally i have never had this myself.
I Have never been able to figure out what triggered my Panic Attacks but unfortunately for me my brain stores some of my panic attacks away so that when I re-enter a similar situation my body has learnt to react in the same way (stupid brain.)
What helps me when I'm having a Panic Attack!
When I'm having a Panic Attack I find the only things that can help me.
going outside catching a breath of fresh air.
finding a quite space where i can calm myself down.
having a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit.
walking around.
slow deep breathing.
The most important advise I could possibly give you is to not panic your self into a worse state than you are already in. Slow deep breathing is the key (in through your nose and out through your mouth.)
When you have so much adrenaline in your body the best thing to so is some sort of exercise to reduce tho amount so if your sat around at desk in school or somewhere you cant get out I flap my arms trying to fan myself to cool down or bashing my knees together under my desk as its more discrete.
I also like things to distract me so i fiddle with things or to get my friends to talk to me to take my mind of things, some people might like complete silence but i like to be distracted i feel better for it. It helps you control all the whizzing emotions fluttering around in your head.
How to stop yourself from having a Panic Attack...
For many people the only way of avoiding having a Panic Attack is to never go any where, staying at home is there only option, to afraid to even step a foot outside to go to the supermarket. I hope for many people that it never gets this far as I feel like its a horrible way to live, I try to think as everyday is a new target, just trying to go through the day thinking positively and not having a panic attack is an achievement.
Please remember you are not alone, 1 out of 4 people suffer from panic attacks, although Panic Attacks are terrifying they will not kill you. Don't let your attacks ruin your life and confidence, you CAN stop them you just have to practice and believe you can. Do not force yourself to go somewhere you don't feel comfortable, do it at your own pace its your life nobody else to control it and don't let Panic Attacks and anxiety ruin your life. If someone close to you fails to understand how you feel, it can leave you feeling terribly alone and insecure. Your never alone JUST REMEMBER THAT!
So i'll leave you with that my friends and i'll speak to you all soon.
P.S. Hear is a song that reminds me of Panic Attacks but helps me through them if you want to listen to it your more than welcome...Its just a little pick me up.
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